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EWA: AWE Inspiring Audio


We have existed approximately three years, much of that as a part time exercise in bringing CJ Wonfor's amazing designs to those aware of them. We remain, to this date, completely self funded and largely insulated against market forces. Yet somehow we have conducted more trade this year than the previous two years combined. Thank you!

We, that's both ABCaudio and EWA, would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support, for your kindness, for your belief; for giving us the opportunity to earn your confidence.

Colin's designs, whether we talk amplifiers or cables, are genuinely ground breaking, innovative, and unique. At ABCaudio we have been learning how to craft these into a complete, desirable product, how to assemble in larger scale, reliably; and how to package this up for end users.

The funds raised this year have bought new stock, packaging, specialist assembly equipment and have funded several exciting R&D projects at EWA towers. Like the EWA WB Power amplifier (pictured below), and an exciting new class A integrated amplifier planned for release next year.

In 2021 we plan to work closely with EWA on amplifier aesthetic design, on user manuals, on bespoke packaging and shipping protocols. We are learning much of this from scratch. Supportive listeners (who often become friends) such as yourself, have made this very rewarding.

May we take the opportunity to invite all users of EWA designs to write to us with user reviews and impressions of your purchases? We would love to hear your feedback, and possibly publish some user reviews on

Look out for 2021: CV-19 will not best us. Nor will it be a year for mediocre audio. We hope ABCaudio can bring EWA designs to the attention of many more true music lovers, even to industry insiders. Watch out for the new super integrated, the EWA Oberon. There is also a revision to the M-50 power amplifier, now available as monoblock pairs and soon even the stereo model will feature a true balanced input, and dual differential output. This is the year we get Loudspeakers under control!

Stay safe; stay well; listen better.


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