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Apr 20, 2023
EWA IC-40 digital USB: user testimonial
..the improvement with your USB cable is easily heard. There is better resolution of detail, which is most obvious with things like drums...
Sep 16, 2020
Good looks to match the sound
Prepare to enjoy at least some good things under CV-19 and whatever restrictions we may face; ABCaudio and EWA are here for you.
Sep 10, 2020
Almost there..
Here is a good example. Lovely new plugs, a classy outer braid and newly designed bespoke heat-shrink branding. Once the IC-25 arrives we...
Jun 19, 2020
Moving On: Audio after CV-19...
So this has been pretty awful, all things considered. We truly hope you have been spared tragedy and heartache during the pandemic. While...
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